If you wish to share your sailing stories, advice, disasters and lessons learnt, please send them to the Newsletter Editor at newsletter.ed.mlsc@gmail.com for publication in the next edition of the Club magazine.
There are a number of non race trophies that we try to award each year.
The Golden Log Trophy:- Awarded for the best account of a members' voyage published in the newsletter.
The Underwater Trophy:- Frequently awarded to someone who has fallen in.
The Black Ball Trophy:- For navigational misdemeanours, usually running aground.
The Walker Achievement Cup:- For an achievement on or off the water worthy of recognition.
The Seamanship Trophy:- For a noteworthy show of skill on the water.
The two Sam Poulton Tankards:- Each to be awarded for services to the club (off the water).
The John Robson Memorial Trophy:- To be awarded to the boat/crew that have travelled furthest from their home port on a cruise.
Please send your nominations for these awards to commodore.mlsc@gmai.com
Last updated 15:44 on 8 January 2025